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The post Indonesian employees now changing their perspectives to hybrid working first appeared on ONEs Blog.

Businesses have sought to adjust to the new working environment in response to the disruption caused by the pandemic.

According to a new survey by telecommunications and technology giant Telstra, nearly 85% of Asia Pacific (APAC) organizations are encouraging hybrid work arrangements, and seven out of ten organizations are now hiring people from all locations and permitting hybrid work arrangements.

Employees are becoming more aware of how workplaces might be shaped differently in a post-pandemic context, from remote and hybrid work arrangements to video-based interviewing and debates to higher awareness and push for mental health and overall well-being.

What is Hybrid Working?

Apa Itu Hybrid Working? If the workspace business could be summarized in a single sentence in 2022, it would most likely be “hybrid working.”

Hybrid working is an arrangement in which a company’s management and employees alternate between working in a physical office and working remotely. The transformation is now evolving as many firms adopt hybrid working practices to accommodate an increasingly digital-based workforce.

Cisco study highlighted that hybrid work is now preferred by many employees across ASEAN markets, while Indonesia has the highest percentage (84%) of preference for hybrid work.

Learn more about hybrid working: https://ones.software/blog/2022/08/01/hybrid-working-statistics/

Indonesian considering switching to a hybrid work system

The second annual Work Trend Index report from Microsoft shows that as many as 66 percent of workers in Indonesia are more likely to consider switching to remote or hybrid work systems.

Modern Work & Security Business Group Lead of Microsoft Indonesia Wahjudi Purnama said the pandemic that has lasted for approximately two years has significantly changed the way people interpret work in life.

Therefore, the challenge for every organization is to be able to meet the expectations of its employees, while balancing it with business achievements in the midst of uncertain economic conditions

Wahjudi Purnama, Modern Work & Security Business Group Lead of Microsoft Indonesia

Microsoft’s report titled “Great Expectations: Making Hybrid Work Work” provides insight for the organization to continue to develop in the midst of ongoing work changes and disruptions.

Referring to Indonesia-specific data, this Work Trend Index report reveals five main trends. Among them, employees have a new view of what is considered ‘worth it’ at work.

Wahjudi detailed, as many as 48% of employees in Indonesia said they tend to prioritize health and well-being more than work, than before the pandemic.

The dilemma between leadership and employee expectations

53 percent of Gen Z and Millennials in Indonesia are somewhat or very likely to consider changing jobs this year. Meanwhile, managers experience a dilemma between leadership and employee expectations.

60 percent of leaders in Indonesia say their companies plan to return to full office work [WFO] next year, higher than the global figure of 50 percent. However, 66 percent of workers in Indonesia are more likely to consider switching to remote or hybrid work,” Wahjudi said.

Furthermore, the survey also found that corporate leaders need to make the office feel worth commuting. Because, as many as 41 percent of hybrid employees in Indonesia said their biggest challenge was knowing when and why they had to come to the office.

On the other hand, only 40 percent of leaders have made a team agreement to define these new norms.

Flexibility and well-being matter

Flexible work doesn’t mean you have to be on standby all the time. Based on a survey, as many as 62 percent of employees in Indonesia are open to using digital immersive spaces as meeting facilities, higher than the global data at 52 percent,” added Wahjudi.

He added, currently rebuilding social capital also looks different in the hybrid world. As many as 49 percent of leaders in Indonesia say building relationships is the biggest challenge in the hybrid working era.

In addition, he continued, 65 percent of pandemic workers in Indonesia are considering changing companies next year, compared to 56 percent globally.

Flexibility and well-being have become something we cannot compromise. By welcoming and adapting to these new expectations, the organization can actually prepare every employee and business for long-term success,” said Wahjudi.

ONES Software now has a dedicated page to introduce a series of hybrid working measures to help you solve problems. You may wish to go to https://ones.software/hybrid-workspace/ for further reference.  

Contact us: hello@ones.software, or visit ONES Software official website for more information: https://ones.software/id/

The post Indonesian employees now changing their perspectives to hybrid working first appeared on ONEs Blog.
