Hong Kong Software Development - ONEs Blog https://ones.software/blog Smart Office, Building the Future. Tue, 27 Sep 2022 08:16:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 /blog/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/cropped-favicon2-1-32x32.png Hong Kong Software Development - ONEs Blog https://ones.software/blog 32 32 A Complete Guide for Room Booking System Now https://ones.software/blog/2019/08/20/room-booking-system-2022/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=room-booking-system-2022 Tue, 20 Aug 2019 11:14:34 +0000 http://ones.software/blog/?p=83

The post A Complete Guide for Room Booking System Now first appeared on ONEs Blog.


All enterprises, big and small, wish to turn themselves into a smart office to fully utilize their resources. But, what is a smart office?

What is a smart office?

Smart office, based on leading-edge Internet technology that centralizes the control of crucial operations and services of an enterprise through data collection, creates a more advanced and people-oriented workplace under the collaborative workings of Internet technology.

While the enhanced user experience in smart office settings facilitates staff productivity and helps to attract and retain talents, businesses also enjoy savings in cost and a boost in brand values through a more flexible and efficient deployment of existing office space.

The application of electronic devices and tools, such as iBeacon, sensors, and mobile phone applications are typical in smart office settings, saving staff from routine office chores and increasing their focus on business activities. One of the key elements of a smart office is the adoption of the room booking system.

The room booking system allows users to identify the best suitable room for meetings and complete the booking in a few clicks independently of time and location with mobile apps supporting various platforms. Fast and easy room booking is available at your fingertips.

By providing a comprehensive range of room information and centralizing the scheduling of rooms on a common platform, the room booking system provides the know-how for better resource utilization for the management.

Room Booking Schedule

The basics of room booking system rooted in the booking schedule. Bookings ONE strives to create a concise and clear schedule presentation and support all operations in computers interfaces and mobile devices.

You can browse the latest schedule and manage room booking, wherever you happen to be, just a few clicks on your mobile phone.

Room Display

Display mounted outside the room shows clearly the current booking status and operating condition of the room, creating an energizing image for the company while gently reminding staff and guests of the meeting location.

The design of room display under Bookings ONE seamlessly supports tablet devices under various operation platforms, including iOS, Android and Windows. Users can make an instant booking simply by tapping on the display mounted outside the room.

Bookings ONE also supports display devices with LED indicators, which enables users to identify the status of rooms easily from a distance through color variation. The indicators included three colors: the green represents the room is available, orange represents reserved and red means currently being occupied.

When you have a sudden need for a meeting room, and are uncertain about which rooms have been booked already, the LED indicators will definitely brighten up your mind and show you the way.

3D Floor Plan

A well-designed interface of the booking system is essential in supporting the management to devise strategies for resources allocation. Considering that there are 50 conference rooms in a company, for most of the booking systems, the data of booking status and appointment details of the 50 rooms would be tabulated plainly on a list, providing you a comprehensive set of data.

However, extracting useful information from such a large volume of data could be both time-and-energy consuming, managers may be tricked into overlooking important information and even resulting in mismatch of resources.

That’s why Bookings ONE has additionally placed emphasis on the 3D floor plan of each floor, besides providing standard lists of data-set. We visualize all booking status on a map, you will be informed of dozens room status at a glance. Easily readable and understandable.

Real Time Analytics

Another effective tool for the management to optimize resources utilization is real time data analytics. Cost of conference rooms, directly or indirectly, is expensive considering the spiraling rental cost.

In order for the management to utilize and allocate company resources efficiently, conference rooms in particular, Bookings ONE generates graphical analytics and reports that could be exported to Excel file to facilitate readability and better understanding on information such as utilization rate of rooms, the length of booking and absence rate to use a room of respective users at different times.

Calendar Integration

Using calendars of Google and Outlook to coordinate booking schedule has often been the norm in companies before the presence of room booking system. We understand that it takes time for users to adapt new booking technology and be familiar with a new interface before enjoying the benefits Bookings ONE offers.

Therefore, we devoted time in developing seamless integration with calendar systems including Google Calendar, Exchange server and Office 365 that are commonly used in the business sector, and succeeded in synchronizing bookings made through a third-party system into Bookings ONE simultaneously.

New users of Bookings ONE could continue to book through the calendars they are used to, while enjoying the features and benefits offered by Bookings ONE during the transitional period.

Angel in Details

We strive to offer the best user experience to our business partners while fulfilling the needs of both management and staff. Bookings ONE can upgrade corporate image and improve staff efficiency.

To find out more features and details of Bookings ONE, contact us at:

Enquiry Hotline/Whatsapp: (+852) 5538 3410

Email: hello@ones.software

Website: https://ones.software/

The post A Complete Guide for Room Booking System Now first appeared on ONEs Blog.

智能辦公室的基本元素:會議室預約系統 https://ones.software/blog/2019/08/18/bookings-one-001/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=bookings-one-001 Sun, 18 Aug 2019 08:08:24 +0000 http://ones.software/blog/?p=73

The post 智能辦公室的基本元素:會議室預約系統 first appeared on ONEs Blog.


現在的企業不論規模大小,都希望將公司變為智能辦公室,以使公司的各種資源得以充分利用。 那麼怎樣才算是一個智能辦公室?

智能辦公室是一個以尖端的互聯網技術為基礎,透過收集數據,對企業中至為關鍵的操作系統和服務進行中央控制, 其一系列不同的協同工作得以創造一個更先進、以人為本的工作場所。而智能辦公室可以增強用戶體驗,有助於提高生產力,亦能吸引和留住企業人才,也可以更靈活、更有效地利用辦公室空間,降低企業成本,提升企業本身的品牌價值。

智能辦公室主要透過利用 iBeacon、感測器和電話應用程式等等電子工具,幫助員工處理公務上的瑣事,從而使他們能夠專注較重要的事務,而其中一個智能辦公室不可或缺的基本元素,就是會議室預約系統。會議室預約系統主要讓使用者能夠快捷地找出適合的會議室,並完成會議室的預訂,配合各平台上的應用程式,使員工可以在不同時間、地點,都能夠輕鬆安排會議。會議室預約系統亦能夠提供會議室的各種資訊,以作企業管理之用,並將會議室排程集中於同一個平台,使企業管理者能夠對公司資源運籌帷幄。

我司藉著推出的 Bookings ONE,希望提供一個嶄新的會議室預約系統,可以使企業能夠充分善用辦公室資源。 Bookings ONE 主要有以下功能:


會議室預約系統的根本,莫過於預約時間表。 我司製作Bookings ONE時, 力求預約時間表達致清楚簡潔的要求,並且支援所有電腦界面和手機端的操作。無論你在哪裡,只要打開手機,都能輕易地管理到所有房間的狀態。



Bookings ONE的房間電子標牌,支援 iOS, Android,Windows 這些不同作業系統的平板設備,使用者可以在輕鬆地走到房間門前,就能進行即時的房間預約,快捷方便。 我司同時支援附有指示燈的顯示設備,就算在遠處,使用者也能清楚地看見指示燈的顏色,從而得知哪些房間已被預約。指示燈的顏色主要分為三種:綠色代表可供使用,橙色代表已預約,而紅色代表正在使用。當你突然需要展開會議,又擔心不知道會不會有其他人已預約某些房間的話,指示燈絕對是你公司裏的明燈。

3D 平面圖

如何能夠令管理者對公司資源運籌帷幄,預約系統的界面設計至為重要。假設在公司有50間會議室,一般坊間的預約系統就會把這50間會議室的狀態、預約資料等,以列表的形式平白地列出。這樣的列表雖然能夠提供所有資訊,但是表現方式並不直觀, 管理者往往要從頭到尾消化大量數據,容易使管理者過於疲勞,甚或看漏一些資訊,導致資源錯配等問題。

有見及此,Bookings ONE在傳統的列表顯示外,銳意加入能夠顯示各個樓層的3D平面圖功能,用最容易理解的方法去顯示所有房間的狀態,即使一個樓層數十間房間也能一目了然, 管理者再也無需花時間去看每一個房間的預約狀態。


另一個有效幫助企業管理者去利用公司資源的方法,就是實時的數據分析。現在租金飛騰,會議室的空間附帶著很多直接和間接的成本。通過我司的系統,管理者能以圖像化的分析,理解各個時段的會議室使用率、各人的使用時間、 因失約導致房間空置的次數等等,亦能匯出成為 Excel 形式的分析報告,從而讓企業更了解公司會議室有否被充分利用,從而更有效運用、分配公司的資源。


Google和Outlook的日曆系統相當深入民心,在未有會議室預約系統的公司裡面,主要都是用這些日曆系統去作出管理。我司理解,縱使 Bookings ONE 能夠提供更好的用戶體驗給各個用家,但要所有使用者短期內放棄使用多年的日曆系統,改用 Bookings ONE 的界面的話,很多用戶一下子難以適應。

為此, 我司花了不少開發時間,成功無痕連接上 Google Calendar / Exchange server / Office 365 這些主要在公司會使用的日曆系統,能夠即時將第三方系統的預約,同步到 Bookings ONE 裡頭。這樣新用戶在未熟悉我們的界面前,可以繼續使用他們本來一直使用的日曆系統作出預約,也能夠同時間使用 Bookings ONE 裡頭的各種功能。


除了以上所提到的功能外,Bookings ONE 還有更多的功能與細節,務求提供最好的用戶體驗給企業,不論是管理層還是員工的需求都能一一滿足,從而提升公司形象和員工整體工作效率。

欲免向隅,馬上聯繫我們: hello@ones.software / (+852) 5538 3410, 亦可到 Bookings ONE 官網了解更多 :https://ones.software/hk/bookings-one/

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電郵地址: hello@ones.software
電話號碼: (+852) 5538 3410
Contact us:
Homepage: https://ones.software/
Email address: hello@ones.software
Phone number: (+852) 5538 3410


The post 智能辦公室的基本元素:會議室預約系統 first appeared on ONEs Blog.

軟件可以即要即用?企業級軟件訂閲服務 (SaaS) 的開發 (1) https://ones.software/blog/2019/04/11/saas-001/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=saas-001 https://ones.software/blog/2019/04/11/saas-001/#respond Thu, 11 Apr 2019 06:46:42 +0000 http://blog.ones.software/?p=19 軟件訂閲是一個大趨勢,但如何去建立一個成功的系統,就需要相當多軟件工程上的學問。

The post 軟件可以即要即用?企業級軟件訂閲服務 (SaaS) 的開發 (1) first appeared on ONEs Blog.


自從 2006 年 Amazon 推出自家的雲端運算服務 AWS 開始,雲端運算徹底改變了傳統伺服器架構的使用方法。由每一次都要購買或租借一臺伺服器主機,變成想用多少伺服器資源都可以即時得到,並採納按照實際使用時間來計算收費的資源訂閱 (Subscription) 模式,大大提升架構系統的靈活度和資源分配效率。這種伺服器架構上的革命,造就了 Software as a Service (SaaS) 的興起。

在這種交付模式(即 SaaS)中雲端集中式代管軟件及其相關的資料,軟件僅需透過網際網路,而不須透過安裝即可使用。用戶通常使用精簡用戶端經由一個網頁瀏覽器來存取軟件即服務。--維基百科

雲端運算經歷了十餘年的發展,隨著各大科技巨頭如 Microsoft AzureGoogle Cloud 紛紛加入戰團,今時今日雲端運算服務已經發展得非常成熟。雲端運算能提供到一些普通伺服器不容易做到的功能,如專門處理大數據的資料庫 (Big data Database),以及針對地域問題的災難恢復 (Disaster recovery)。這些服務提供極高的彈性,方便了不少軟件開發商去開發新的軟件,而訂閱收費模式亦大大降低了初創企業入場的門檻。


由於雲端運算採取了訂閲收費,軟件的收費模式亦跟隨著由一次性 (one-off) 收費趨向以訂閲收費的形式來供客戶選擇。這個顯然是整個軟件業界的發展方向,例如 Microsoft 和 Adobe, 都將旗下歷史悠久的 Microsoft Office 和 Adobe Photo 分別轉為 Office 365Creative Cloud 這種訂閲式收費軟件。 新的訂閲模式的娛樂服務如 Netflix / Disney+ / Apple TV + 也不斷興起,而Google 最近發佈的 Stadia 更是企圖用訂閲收費的模式,來衝擊整個遊戲業界。

Every customer interaction is a marketing opportunity. If you go above and beyond on the customer service side, people are much more likely to recommend you. — — Stewart Butterfield, co-founder of Slack


  1. 系統架構 (System architecture)
  2. 可擴展性 (Scalability)
  3. 高可用性 (High availability)
  4. 安全性 (Security)
  5. 監察與維護 (Monitoring and Maintenance)
  6. 持續發展 (Continuous development)


系統架構 (System architecture)

建立軟件系統的第一步是設計好適合的系統架構,根據不同的商業需求 (Business Requirement) 所設計出的系統架構也會不同。但歸納起來,訂閲服務的系統架構的可以分爲兩大類:單一租戶模式 (Single tenancy) 多租戶模式 (Multi-tenancy)

單一租戶模式 (Single tenancy)

單一租戶模式 是為各個客戶設立一套獨立的軟件系統,他們會有獨立的數據庫、服務器、文件存儲空間等等。

安全且穩定: 絕大部分企業都會重視資料的安全和保密。單一租戶模式的好處在於每個客戶都有完全獨立的系統,不會有用戶之間資料發生衝突的情況發生,也不會因爲其他客戶的使用量增加而影響到自身的系統。單一租戶對於企業來説會是一個極具說服力的方案。



租戶模式 (Multi-tenancy)



迅速提供服務:訂閲服務講求的是能否迅速提供服務,使客戶在短時間内就開始使用是重中之重。 單一住戶模式可能需要數天的設立時間,並對系統進行整合測試 (Integration test)、負載測試 (Load test)等等的測試,才能確保實際運行穩定。而多租戶模式則是在已經運行中的系統中,添加新的租戶 (Tenant) 給予客戶。添加用戶往往只要數分鐘便完成,而且系統的穩健程度就得到確保。





Photo by Victoriano Izquierdo on Unsplash




現在多租戶模式的應用是大勢所趨,Slack、Office 365 ,這些軟件都是採用這種系統架構。這樣才可以控制成本,以維持市場上的競爭力。


我們之後會和大家介紹多租戶模式的實踐,由原始碼的層面出發,去看看如何做出一個穩健的多租戶模式架構。更多資訊可以留意 ONES Publication 定期發佈的文章,亦可以聯絡我們,

ONEs software。香港軟件開發團隊,提供專業的軟件開發服務。包括手機應用程序開發,網頁開發和定制軟件開發。 https://ones.software/zh-hk


The post 軟件可以即要即用?企業級軟件訂閲服務 (SaaS) 的開發 (1) first appeared on ONEs Blog.

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