Software Development - ONEs Blog Smart Office, Building the Future. Tue, 27 Sep 2022 08:16:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /blog/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/cropped-favicon2-1-32x32.png Software Development - ONEs Blog 32 32 GitLab: Flexibility is critical for retaining IT talent now Wed, 27 Jul 2022 03:22:41 +0000 Research on young generation about the expectation of their work environment.

The post GitLab: Flexibility is critical for retaining IT talent now first appeared on ONEs Blog.

  • 66% of workers would like to find a flexible job in the coming future.
  • The unalignment of expectations of different parties lead to talent loss.
  • Hybrid working is the best way to resolve the conflict between the younger generation and C-level people.
  • Why does the younger workers’ thinking matter? 

    Because of Covid 19, many companies have adopted work-from-home practices to ensure employee health safety.

    However, when Covid-19 is coming to an end, the mode of working is shifting and it is now deeply dependent on the mindset of the employees. The younger employees are one of the most important stakeholders as they participate in most of the front-end jobs and they will take part in an important role for your company. That is why what they think is an important factor for your office planning strategy.  

    Qatalog and GitLab are the leader in the I.T. industries who recently completed a survey (Killing Time at Work ’22) on research exploring knowledge workers, like I.T. talents whose focus on developing and using knowledge, rather than producing goods or services.

    In this survey, they asked 2,000 knowledge workers – 1,000 in the US and 1,000 in the UK, about the experience of asynchronous work, the barriers to adoption, and its growing importance in the modern workplace. 

    Glossary:  Asynchronous (async) work means that people work in the same team during different times of their own timetable without waiting for a response, it also represents flexible work.

    The expectation of younger generation workers 

    Flexibility is critical for retaining talent

    Nowadays, people are seeking to work flexibly as it become a new norm after COVID-19. Based on the survey, we can see there are lots of positive impacts of flexibility on wellbeing. 

    According to research, 79% of the aged 21-34 participants would consider fully remote working because they can have less stress without C-level execs monitoring and be much happier. They also reflected that flexible work can make them work more productively and creates higher quality outcomes.

    Moreover, 43% of people indicated they would consider a lower-paid role if it gave them greater schedule flexibility. The reason is that flexible work gives them more free time to pursue hobbies and other interests outside of work. 

    The conflict between directors and younger workers 

    The expectation of the people, especially the young generation, is to have flexible, asynchronous work. However, some of the administrators still support the traditional working method, such as working at the office and having lots of daily meetings, such as Tesla. The major reason is that C-level people and administrators cannot make sure the workers work in time and keep a high attendance rate.  

    However, flexibility is one of the key factors for companies trying to attract and retain talent. 66% of the young talents would resign from their job if they can’t fight back for the right to work flexibly.  This unalignment of expectations between companies’ directors and younger generation workers would eventually cause talent loss. 

    To reduce talent loss, all you need is to align the expectation between employees and the directors. One of the best solutions is a mixed style of work at the office and from home, i.e., hybrid working

    Read more: Recession fears complicate new work era – ONEs Blog 

    A perfect system for hybrid working: Bookings ONE 

    Hybrid work means a mixed working style of working at the office and working from home. You can allow your employee to have high flexibility to choose their desirable workspace. Then you can consider how to reduce the operational cost such as reducing the office workspace, and fulfill the expectation of both employees and administrators.

    Bookings ONE, one of the famous management systems, can help you to easily implement hybrid working at ease.  You can easily perform virtual meetings, desk-hoteling and digital office management with our Room Booking, Desk Booking, and Visitor Management features. 

    ONEs Software now has a dedicated page to introduce a series of hybrid working measures to help you solve problems. You may wish to go to for further reference. 

    Contact us:, or visit ONEs Software official website for more information:

    The post GitLab: Flexibility is critical for retaining IT talent now first appeared on ONEs Blog.

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    軟件可以即要即用?企業級軟件訂閲服務 (SaaS) 的開發 (1) Thu, 11 Apr 2019 06:46:42 +0000 軟件訂閲是一個大趨勢,但如何去建立一個成功的系統,就需要相當多軟件工程上的學問。

    The post 軟件可以即要即用?企業級軟件訂閲服務 (SaaS) 的開發 (1) first appeared on ONEs Blog.


    自從 2006 年 Amazon 推出自家的雲端運算服務 AWS 開始,雲端運算徹底改變了傳統伺服器架構的使用方法。由每一次都要購買或租借一臺伺服器主機,變成想用多少伺服器資源都可以即時得到,並採納按照實際使用時間來計算收費的資源訂閱 (Subscription) 模式,大大提升架構系統的靈活度和資源分配效率。這種伺服器架構上的革命,造就了 Software as a Service (SaaS) 的興起。

    在這種交付模式(即 SaaS)中雲端集中式代管軟件及其相關的資料,軟件僅需透過網際網路,而不須透過安裝即可使用。用戶通常使用精簡用戶端經由一個網頁瀏覽器來存取軟件即服務。--維基百科

    雲端運算經歷了十餘年的發展,隨著各大科技巨頭如 Microsoft AzureGoogle Cloud 紛紛加入戰團,今時今日雲端運算服務已經發展得非常成熟。雲端運算能提供到一些普通伺服器不容易做到的功能,如專門處理大數據的資料庫 (Big data Database),以及針對地域問題的災難恢復 (Disaster recovery)。這些服務提供極高的彈性,方便了不少軟件開發商去開發新的軟件,而訂閱收費模式亦大大降低了初創企業入場的門檻。

    由於雲端運算採取了訂閲收費,軟件的收費模式亦跟隨著由一次性 (one-off) 收費趨向以訂閲收費的形式來供客戶選擇。這個顯然是整個軟件業界的發展方向,例如 Microsoft 和 Adobe, 都將旗下歷史悠久的 Microsoft Office 和 Adobe Photo 分別轉為 Office 365Creative Cloud 這種訂閲式收費軟件。 新的訂閲模式的娛樂服務如 Netflix / Disney+ / Apple TV + 也不斷興起,而Google 最近發佈的 Stadia 更是企圖用訂閲收費的模式,來衝擊整個遊戲業界。

    Every customer interaction is a marketing opportunity. If you go above and beyond on the customer service side, people are much more likely to recommend you. — — Stewart Butterfield, co-founder of Slack


    1. 系統架構 (System architecture)
    2. 可擴展性 (Scalability)
    3. 高可用性 (High availability)
    4. 安全性 (Security)
    5. 監察與維護 (Monitoring and Maintenance)
    6. 持續發展 (Continuous development)


    系統架構 (System architecture)

    建立軟件系統的第一步是設計好適合的系統架構,根據不同的商業需求 (Business Requirement) 所設計出的系統架構也會不同。但歸納起來,訂閲服務的系統架構的可以分爲兩大類:單一租戶模式 (Single tenancy) 多租戶模式 (Multi-tenancy)

    單一租戶模式 (Single tenancy)

    單一租戶模式 是為各個客戶設立一套獨立的軟件系統,他們會有獨立的數據庫、服務器、文件存儲空間等等。

    安全且穩定: 絕大部分企業都會重視資料的安全和保密。單一租戶模式的好處在於每個客戶都有完全獨立的系統,不會有用戶之間資料發生衝突的情況發生,也不會因爲其他客戶的使用量增加而影響到自身的系統。單一租戶對於企業來説會是一個極具說服力的方案。



    租戶模式 (Multi-tenancy)



    迅速提供服務:訂閲服務講求的是能否迅速提供服務,使客戶在短時間内就開始使用是重中之重。 單一住戶模式可能需要數天的設立時間,並對系統進行整合測試 (Integration test)、負載測試 (Load test)等等的測試,才能確保實際運行穩定。而多租戶模式則是在已經運行中的系統中,添加新的租戶 (Tenant) 給予客戶。添加用戶往往只要數分鐘便完成,而且系統的穩健程度就得到確保。





    Photo by Victoriano Izquierdo on Unsplash




    現在多租戶模式的應用是大勢所趨,Slack、Office 365 ,這些軟件都是採用這種系統架構。這樣才可以控制成本,以維持市場上的競爭力。


    我們之後會和大家介紹多租戶模式的實踐,由原始碼的層面出發,去看看如何做出一個穩健的多租戶模式架構。更多資訊可以留意 ONES Publication 定期發佈的文章,亦可以聯絡我們,

    ONEs software。香港軟件開發團隊,提供專業的軟件開發服務。包括手機應用程序開發,網頁開發和定制軟件開發。


    The post 軟件可以即要即用?企業級軟件訂閲服務 (SaaS) 的開發 (1) first appeared on ONEs Blog.

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