Meeting room no-shows kill your productivity 

Corporate real estate is your major investment for your office, that’s why no-shows highly hurt your productivity.

Meeting rooms still matter in the hybrid working era. Based on The Economist poll, only 10% of people think meeting rooms are useless.

However, large meeting rooms were frequently only used by one person, which causes a waste of resources. No-show meetings can even have a negative impact on productivity.    

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A Guide To Meeting Room Booking Systems In Hong Kong Now (2023 version)

An introduction about meeting room booking system for Hong Kong companies now.

Many companies around the world have learned this year that hybrid working is the way to go. According to new data from WFH Research, cited by Bloomberg, more than half of young employees say that hybrid working is the key to their willingness to stay.

This year, many companies in Hong Kong are responding to this trend by giving their employees the option to work more hours from home, while improving the quality of life of their employees and reducing their traditional rental costs.

So how to implement hybrid working in your office? First, you need to have a meeting room booking system.

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