How to define your workplace strategy? A Step-by-Step Guide

A strategy is required to run a smooth office workplace. In this article, we will define workplace strategy and walk you through four steps to help you develop your own smart office.

Your workplace strategy is the blueprint for how your company uses its physical space to achieve its business goals. A well-defined workplace strategy can help you optimize space utilization, boost productivity, and enhance employee engagement.

In this article, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step process to define your workplace strategy.

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What equipment do hybrid workers need in 2023?

To help companies prepare, we’ve summarized the 5 must-have items that every hybrid remote worker should have in their starter kit.

Today, many entrepreneurs point out that hybrid work is a major trend in the future, such as Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co said 40 percent of his staff will work in a hybrid model in the future.    

The telecommunications and technology giant Telstra’s study in 2022 reported that digital transformation can help businesses in the Asia Pacific (APAC) to optimization of hybrid work.  

The hybrid work experience of your workers can be made or broken by their workplace equipment. For instance, a difficult hot desking tool can make it difficult to enter the office. However, a fantastic one can make choosing a desk and a seat next to coworkers exciting for your staff members.

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How much can a Singapore company save by using hot desking?

This article reveal the secret of the hot desking that can help thousands of Singapore company from financial crisis.

The world economy is in a “disequilibrium phase” characterized by unfavorable growth and inflation, and a worsening from here “cannot be ruled out.”, according to Singapore’s central bank.

Lots of Singapore companies are considering reducing operational costs and pulling back business spending in order to face the tightening financial conditions. Hot desking is one of the arrangements that can help to save your daily expenses.

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3 Major Market trends that support Hybrid work now

This article explains the major market trends that support hybrid working now.

In recent years, the global business world has changed dramatically. For example, the rapid development of virtual technology has brought flexibility to work, and the emergence of the epidemic has made people aware of the importance of flexible working.    

All of these actions changed the way the global market operates and made some new trends appear in the marketplace. The followings are three of the major market trends that demonstrate the importance of hybrid work.   

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10+ Hybrid Work Trends to Watch in Australia

All a business leader needs to know about hybrid work trends in Australia.

Business leaders must recognize that how, when, and where we work are no longer constrained by traditional notions of time and space.

After the epidemic, companies around the world are popularly implementing hybrid work and this will remain to become a new norm.

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