Why Indonesian government encourages hybrid working now? 

Indonesian government intends to further implement a Work-from-Anywhere (WFA) policy and plans to implement it for civil servants

Due to the widespread adoption of flexible working arrangements in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesian employees have discovered the benefits of combining Work-From-Home and Work-In-Office, i.e., hybrid work, and desired it can be the future working model.  

Moreover, the Indonesian government intends to further implement a Work-from-Anywhere (WFA) policy and plans to implement it for civil servants. 

About WFA in Indonesia 

“The application of WFA was intended to increase the effectiveness of ASN performance and provide efficiency to government bureaucracy…The important thing is that performance and targets are achieved,”

Satya Pratama, the Head of the Legal, Public Relations, and Cooperation Bureau of the Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Ministry.

WFA is a more flexible working system, allowing workers to work anywhere in the future. It doesn’t require people to work from a specific place, like home, or with mandatory office hours.

Employees can decide their work location, work hour, and workflow. However, it would not be available for civil servants whose work require to be in direct contact with the public, such as medical staff or firefighters. Just in Jakarta, there are already 3,964 companies have implemented the WFH policy.

The Indonesian government believed that a flexible working model can help employees to increase their productivity. In fact, it has many reasons to implement WFA with some data support. 

Increases the production growth rate of companies  

A survey from the famous consulting firm Accenture found that 83% of workers in Indonesia prefer a hybrid model for work. It also found that over 67% of companies have high business growth after switching to a work-from-anywhere model. 

Meanwhile, the majority of companies remain focused on where people are going to work physically, and they are ‘no-growth’ in their businesses.    

Reducing business operating costs and allowance 

Some leading giant Indonesian companies have already implemented a hybrid working mode, for example, Blibli.com. It is one of the well-known e-commerce sites in Indonesia and has officially implemented the WFA system since January 2022.  

They announced their employees can work from anywhere and changed their office to be coworking office to support the hybrid workers. A coworking office is a shared office, it helps WFA and provides a variety of flexible working facilities (for example hot desking), relaxation zones, and a soundless booth apart from any traditional office. Using hot desks can reduce the cost of buying fixed desks, also reducing the necessity of huge space demand and rent.  

In addition, some data shows only about 48.9% of startups survived higher rents in 2021. According to data published by the Indonesian Venture Capital Association (Amvesindo) on the IDX channel, it is highlighted that up to 10-15% of startups might also be facing closing due to the inability to compete.   

But, if startups and SMEs implement hybrid work and use coworking offices, it can help them to run their businesses with less capital and decrease the chance of closure. This means that the Indonesian government can reduce the total amount of annual subsidies to these companies. 

Sustainable Development Solutions for Office

As mentioned above, a coworking office is just like a mini community, which allows different entrepreneurs and people to work together in a shared environment.

This gives them more opportunities to learn others’ skills and helps to train more talents, therefore it enhances the sustainability of business activities in the future. This approach was agreed upon by Digital Economist Researcher Nailul Huda. 

What do you need for hybrid working 

ONES is one of the famous all-in-one smart office systems that can help you to easily implement hybrid working at ease in Indonesia.  You can easily perform virtual meetings, desk hoteling, and digital office management with our Room BookingDesk Booking, and Visitor Management features.     

ONES Software now has a dedicated page to introduce a series of hybrid working measures to help you solve problems. You may wish to go to https://ones.software/hybrid-workspace/ for further reference.    

Contact us: hello@ones.software, or visit ONES Software official website for more information: https://ones.software/id

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