LinkedIn Redesigned Its HQ for Hybrid Work

The new hybrid working headquarters for LinkedIn must be built with all use cases in mind, from heads-down work to social gatherings.

For LinkedIn, the goal is clear: Make hybrid work more viable and sustainable.

According to Gallup, more than half of people who can work remotely expect or prefer to do so at least part of the time from now on.

LinkedIn’s 250,000-square-foot global headquarters, called B1, was designed on the existing 29-acre campus in Silicon Valley for hybrid working.

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Stanford economist tells what can be learned from the winners of hybrid plans 

Stanford economist reveal the secret of hybrid plan winners among all enterprises: Organized hybrid and Social work.

Recently, lots of the reports done by different universities and consulting agencies told us it must implement hybrid work as it is the future working method.

However, only a few companies have been able to execute a seamless hybrid plan that everyone’s happy with, while others are still confused in implement hybrid working. 

A Stanford economist told us that the major factor to make a hybrid working successful is “Organized hybrid“.

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